
有很多方法可以获得实践经验并深入研究人类学 at Washington College. Take learning into your own hands with our archaeology field schools or interdisciplinary programs. Gain professional experience and skills through 在“过去即现在”考古实验室,地理信息系统项目,斯塔尔中心实习 美国经验研究,或博物馆、田野和社区辅修. Explore 通过协助教师研究或加入人类学俱乐部来了解你的兴趣. Plenty of opportunities await!

Learn By Doing!

Field Schools

九州娱乐官网的暑期考古实地学校为学生提供实践经验 在考古现场工作的所有阶段,从现场准备到实验室分析. 学生们轮流参加各种活动,如测量方法,现场侦察 还有遥感技术、挖掘、录音、绘图、摄影等 laboratory processing. 每一项活动都辅以讲座、阅读、 and a field manual written specifically for the Field Schools.

除了实践方面的课程,学生们学到很多关于 regional and local history. Students will be exposed to additional topics such as 建筑分析,接触时期关系,以及气候变化的影响. Two of Dr. Markin's current projects:

Barwick's Ordinary: In an ongoing partnership with the Maryland Historical Trust今天,学生们正在对18世纪的巴威克城堡进行调查和挖掘 (tavern) site near Denton, MD. We will continue digging historic structures – cellars, 私人和储存坑-通过MHT遥感调查确定 2021 field school excavations.

  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School
  • 2021 Field School

Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary: In 2019, the field school partnered with the Lost Towns Project, Inc.,在帕塔克森特的壶湾湿地保护区调查和挖掘若干地点 河流,记录了气候变化,侵蚀和人类活动对10,000人的影响 years of human occupation. Analysis of artifacts recovered from these excavations is ongoing.


获得真实世界的经验,并运用你在课堂上学到的知识 an internship focused on anthropology or archaeology.  Faculty networks open doors to external internship opportunities at a wide range 博物馆、大学、政府机构、非营利组织和志愿者组织 across the country. Internships are also available through several Washington College 这些课程通常都有津贴,这样你就可以边学习边赚钱了.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Program

地理信息系统实验室为学生提供了体验式学习的机会和专业知识 working experience. The work their interns do expands their critical thinking and 分析技能,通过推动他们的网络和响应付费客户的需求 and partners.  

Museum, Field, and Community Education minor

学生将参加一个两学分的实习,在那里他们将与 当地非正式教育的合作伙伴基于他们的专业领域,包括 但不仅限于博物馆、历史学会、艺术空间、环境教育 centers, and Washington College Centers for Excellence.  

Past Is Present Archaeology Lab

过去是现在考古实验室支持学生,工作人员,教师和成员 希望通过历史和考古了解我们的过去的公众. PIP考古实验室有许多带薪实习,让学生获得 实践经验,同时打造一份让他们在同行中脱颖而出的简历!

Starr Center for Study of the American Experience

斯塔尔中心探索口述和书面历史,提供教育项目, and engages in public outreach. The Starr Center funds a number of paid student internships 每年为学生提供体验式和综合学习的岗位 opportunities. 

Experiential Courses


Each fall semester, Professor Steinmetz offers an Inside-Out 与纽卡斯尔的贝勒女子惩教所合作开设的课程, DE.  九州娱乐官网项目带来了监狱和大学 (Out) students together in a semester long academic course. 

去年秋天,来自九州娱乐官网的9名学生和来自BWCI的10名学生参与其中 在一个现场的课堂组件和非现场的协作工作,推动他们 将彼此视为个体,而不是统计数据或刻板印象,并进行批判 question the foundations of social inequality.  T他受益于一群不同的学生,他们为他提供了无数的观点 学习过程体现了学院的道德勇气和使命的价值 develop citizen leaders.

Museum Studies

每隔一个秋季学期,马金教授都会开设一门合作的博物馆研究课程 with the Digital Scholarship in Museum Partnerships (DSMP).  学生们不仅利用数字技术来管理和保护文化 一个社区的材料和口述历史,而是开发在线虚拟展览 that bring this history to a larger, international public.  Working with local community 成员们要确定哪些元素是至关重要的叙述,学生们看到了 real-world impact of their academic study. 

在2018年秋季,博物馆研究课程的学生与 Betterton Heritage Museum.  Fall 2020 will involve students in collaboration with the African American Schoolhouse Museum in Worton, MD.  This work will be part of a larger a Chesapeake Heartland Project 由Markin教授、Sara Clark-Vivier教授(助理教授., 和Raven Bishop (WC教学技术专家和DSMP的创始人).  The Chesapeake Heartland Project 是由斯塔尔中心牵头的一个创新的公共历史项目吗 与当地社区和国家非裔美国人历史文化博物馆合作.  学生们将再次对文化资料和口述历史进行存档和数字化 既要为后代保存这段历史,又要创造这段历史 沃顿以外的观众通过在线虚拟现实展览了解这个社区. 


通过独立的研究项目或贡献来追求你感兴趣的东西 to faculty research. Anthropology faculty are conducting applied anthropology research 与犯罪学,气候变化,保护史前和历史有关 archaeological sites.

The anthropology department also offers the 完成垂钓者奖学金计划的民族志和考古研究 the Chesapeake Bay. 与一名人类学教员一起工作的研究员可以获得高达1000美元的资助 to research past and present cultures of the Chesapeake Bay. 

Anthropology Club

We welcome students of all majors to join anthropology club! Club members plan events, 旅游,以及与文化和考古相关的志愿者活动. Each year, we 参加国家人类学日,实地考察重要的文化 events and museums.

Advisor: Dr. Steinmetz

Anthropology Honor Society

Students who excel in anthropology are invited to join Lambda Alpha, the National Anthropology Honor Society. There are additional leadership opportunities for those students who wish to serve as officers.

Advisor: Dr. Markin