


化学系教职员工开展了涵盖所有学科的充满活力的研究项目 化学的分支学科之一. 大学生是大学的重要组成部分 每位教员的研究计划. 学生和教师的研究发生在 在高级顶点体验的学年和夏季期间. 


Dr. 莱斯利·谢尔曼是一位环境化学家,他的主要研究重点是 土地利用对水质和土壤健康的影响. 15年来,她一直是 investigating soil chemical changes at a long-term grassland restoration site developed 在学院的河流和田野校区的低产农业用地上. 主 管理惯例规定每2至3年焚烧一次. 她在监测土壤 organic matter, pH, extractable metals, and cation exchange capacity, all indicators 土壤健康. Dr. 谢尔曼也在研究附近乌里维尔的磷循环 湖泊,遭受极端夏季藻华. 她主要关注的是沉积物 of the lake, which can bind phosphorus released into the lake from farm runoff, but which can release the phosphorus back into the lake under changing redox conditions 以及对身体干扰的反应. 



Dr. Marteel-Parrish’s research is focused on making green chemistry an essential component 化学教育. 研究项目是基于课程创新,如 as:

  • Using green chemistry as the driving force to investigate the periodic table and to 在化学课程中注入艺术,
  • Addressing 21st century challenges including the United Nations Sustainable Development 目标和当代世界的道德问题,以及
  • Involving students in a service learning component by designing green chemistry based 适合高中科学课程的实验.

的 overall goal is to use green chemistry to build a web of interconnectedness within curricular and extra-curricular activities offered at 九州娱乐官网 so that students 把自己描绘成社会的恩人.




在Arradondo实验室,我们研究非共价相互作用与计算 建模.  对这些相互作用进行适当的建模是很重要的,因为它们有贡献 to many areas, including atmospheric chemistry, solvation effects, and material science.  Quantum chemical 建模 is a powerful tool that can be utilized to predict complexation, 热化学,光谱,和其他性质的各种分子系统. 一个应用程序 of interest that our lab seeks to purse is using computational chemistry to assist in the application of different green chemistry principles within popular chemical 流程.   我们也有兴趣与其他科学家合作 为了帮助从分子层面深入了解他们的研究.




的 吟游诗人 lab focuses on the synthesis and characterization of a variety of novel organic small 分子. 通过有机合成,分析测量,和 physical organic concepts, we work to develop structure-property relationships for 相关分子家族. 首先,我们专注于开发新颖有趣的游戏 types of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) dyes that seek to achieve high 发射光的颜色和吸收光的颜色之间的分离. Additionally, we are working to develop a family of related ion-pair host 分子 能选择性地感应某些离子对的.


Dr. 丹尼尔可能 is a natural product chemist who studies the chemical structures, biological activities, and functions of small 分子 (natural products) produced by microbes. Humans have long used these natural products as pharmaceuticals and pesticides without 了解他们在原生环境中所扮演的角色. 五月实验室的研究 由与蜂箱和本地蜂巢有关的细菌制成的天然产品. Student researchers in the May Lab use chemical and biological techniques to discover natural products from hive-associated bacteria, which could be used to treat brood 蜜蜂的疾病. 这项研究将有助于改善必不可少的健康状况 传粉者和保护本地蜜蜂物种.



All senior chemistry majors work in collaboration to complete a year-long laboratory 或者是基于文学的项目. 选择以实验室为基础完成SCE的学生 will undertake projects that involve synthetic and preparative procedures and include the use of the department’s research-grade Inert-Atmosp在这里 Glove Box, UV-VIS, FTIR, AA, NMR, GC, HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS, ICP-MS, electrochemical analyzer, and polarimeter.

Students pursuing 美国癌症协会-certified degree in 化学 must perform a laboratory-based 的研究项目,以满足实验所规定的实验时数 美国癌症协会. 如果acs认证的专业已经表演过,则可以免除此要求 在学年或夏季期间进行学分研究.

Seniors present the results of their project in a poster session that is open to the 大学社区. 该部门有一套高级顶点经验指南 每年秋天分发给大三和大四的化学专业学生. 对于那些 students meeting the College-wide standards of eligibility for departmental honors at graduation, the capstone experience also forms the basis of an oral examination 在学生最后一个学期结束时给出.

Students must enroll in CHE SCE in their final semester to obtain credit for the Senior 顶石的经验. 高级顶点经验是根据华盛顿 大学的评分制度,其中涉及到使用字母等级(A-F),可能是 通过减号或加号修改.


艾琳·阿斯曼(指导老师:教授. 詹姆斯Lipchock)

“Review of Osteoarthritis in Equines and the Treatments Available” (literature review)

律师(指导老师:教授. 安娜·史密斯)


埃莉诺·拜尔斯(指导老师:教授. 安妮Marteel-Parrish)

“Biomimetic Preen Oil from Waste Cooking Oil: A Green 化学 Laboratory for Secondary 学生”(实验)

肖恩·加林(指导老师:教授. 詹姆斯Lipchock)

“Examining the Structural Requirements for Dot1 Mediated Senescence”(实验)

丹尼尔·冈萨雷斯(指导老师:教授. 亚伦事实)


Alexandra Hegeman(指导老师:教授. 安娜·史密斯)

NUP170在延缓细胞衰老中的意义 酿酒酵母”(实验)

秋·霍夫曼(指导老师:教授. 亚伦事实)

“Synthesis of 5-bromobenzo[c]phenanthrene, an Intermediate of the Missing Fullerene C72”(实验)

科尔宾·哈德森(指导老师:教授. 莎拉Arradondo)


Jessica Melson(指导老师:教授. 安妮Marteel-Parrish)

“微塑料对切斯特河周围水和土壤样本的影响” (实验) 

Larisa Okshewsky(指导老师:教授. 安娜·史密斯)

的治疗和预防 艰难梭状芽胞杆菌”(实验) 

萨凡纳·罗斯(指导老师:教授. 亚伦事实)

“的 Synthesis of Fullerene Derivatives to Create Potential Drugs to Alleviate Ischemic “中风”(文献综述) 

Alexandra Searles(指导老师:教授. 莱斯利·谢尔曼)

Comparison of Phosphate Levels in Water Samples of Impaired Creeks off of the Chester 河流与周边土地评价”(实验) 

梅丽莎·惠廷顿(指导老师:教授. 莎拉Arradondo)

表征小水团的 从头开始 方法与太赫兹光谱学”(实验)

泰勒·布坎南(指导老师:教授. 里克柜)

“Identification of Intermediate from Horseradish Peroxidase-Catalyzed Oxidation of 邻苯二胺的紫外-可见和荧光光谱(实验)

Valerie Fischer(指导老师:教授. 詹姆斯Lipchock)

“当前检测疑似大麻素使用的现场分析方法综述” 《九州娱乐官网》(文献综述)

多米尼克·詹多纳托(指导老师:教授. 亚伦事实)

“的 Mechanistic Study Into a Base Induced Inhibition of Rings Closures within Polycyclic 芳香烃”(实验)

埃德加多·埃尔南德斯(指导老师:教授. 里克柜)


Parakram Karki(指导老师:教授. 詹姆斯Lipchock)

“Mechanistic study of protein histidine phosphatase 1 and the effects of the elongation c端对蛋白质功能和动力学的影响”(实验)

比阿特丽斯·凯勒(指导老师:教授. 安妮Marteel-Parrish)

“A Cross-disciplinary Study Between Green 化学 and Public Health: Comparative Analysis of Cooking Fuels and Cooking Methods on Food Composition and its Effect on 《九州娱乐官网》(实验性)

梅雷迪思·肯顿(指导老师:教授. 安妮Marteel-Parrish)

《在本科无机化学课程中引入绿色化学原理 课程”(实验)

杰西·阮(导师:教授. 安娜·史密斯)


科林·文森特(指导老师:教授. 亚伦事实)



Internships and research experiences on and off-campus not only provide invaluable laboratory experience, but also allow students to apply knowledge learned in the classroom, explore advanced areas of chemistry not covered in the core curriculum and experience 科学发现带来的兴奋和挑战. 除了宝贵的事业 preparation, students may receive a stipend and/or academic credit, depending on the 实习或研究机会. 

九州娱乐官网 students majoring in chemistry are eligible for the following research 奖学金:

的 Douglass Cater Society of Junior fellows rewards creativity, initiative and intellectual curiosity with generous grants to support self-directed undergraduate research and 世界各地的奖学金. 感兴趣的学生可以点击 在这里 了解更多.

约翰年代. 收费奖学金计划 资助学生与教师在自然科学、数学方面的合作研究 计算机科学. 除了研究机会,研讨会和实地考察 during the academic year, students in the Toll Fellows program may have the opportunity to participate in a 10-week summer research experience guided by a 九州娱乐官网 教员. 参加暑期研究项目的学生将获得丰厚的奖学金 津贴、住房津贴和研究经费预算.