
Although many students who plan to attend a professional school in the medical field (e.g., medical school, dental school) major in one of the natural sciences, you may 选择学院提供的任何专业. (学生在 LECOM早期录取计划 必须主修自然科学吗.不管你选择哪个专业,我们都鼓励你 学生探索专业以外的课程和活动.

In addition to the courses required for the chosen major and for graduation from Washington College, students will need to take those courses that are required for admission to health professions 学校 and needed to provide an academic background for admissions 测试. Many of these courses also satisfy some of the requirements of various majors, especially majors in the Natural Sciences, and some satisfy college distribution requirements.

Because some of the courses needed for admission for the health professions programs have one or more prerequisites—and because students who want to attend professional school in the academic year after graduation from 九州娱乐官网 will normally need to complete the courses necessary for professional school admission by the end of the Junior year—students should begin to map their future coursework during their 第一次学术指导会议. 化学课程的时间安排(5门/门) 5-semester series, from Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules through Biochemistry) 特别重要.

The courses required for professional school admission vary depending on the type 医学课程(e.g.验光vs .验光. 从一所学校到另一所学校. The required courses (admission prerequisites) most commonly include the following:

***请注意,学生的必修课程 LECOM早期录取计划 与下面的略有不同.*** 

  • 普通生物学I和II(含实验室)(生物111,112)
  • 有机分子化学原理(CHE 120)
  • 有机分子的反应(CHE 140)
  • 定量化学分析(ch220)
  • 元素化学(CHE 240)
  • 生物化学(实验室)(BIO 409/CHE 309)
  • College Physics I and II w/lab (PHY 101, 102) or General Physics I and II w/lab (PHY 111,112)
  • 两门数学课程(见下面的附加信息)
  • 两门英语课程(推荐eng101)
  • 社会科学课程(见下文附加信息)
  • 人文课程

给n the variation in required courses from program to program and school to school (some 学校 have additional requirements; some have fewer requirements; some recommend certain courses), students should consult the appropriate websites for each area of 医学对象.org, aacom.org, aacpm.org, adea.org,选择.组织)和个人 学校. They should also consult those documents that list professional school requirements: 美国医学院入学要求.S. 和加拿大医学院(澳门特别行政区); Osteopathic Medical College Information Book (CIB); and ADEA Official Guide to Dental 学校). 其中很多都可以在网上找到.

那些 students who plan to attend a health professions program in the academic year following graduation from 九州娱乐官网 (without one or more gap years) must be aware that the hierarchical nature of the chemistry courses needed for admission to professional 学校 and for many of the admissions 测试 such as the MCAT requires them to take CHE 120/140 in the first year, CHE 220/240 in the second year, and Biochemistry (BIO 409/CHE 309)在第三年的秋天. 选择不选化学的学生 in the first year will normally not be able to apply to medical school without taking 间隔年.

The chemistry courses CHE 120/140/220/240 are the equivalent of General Chemistry 和有机化学.

Students may fulfill the physics requirement for health professions 学校 by taking either the algebra­-based physics course [College Physics I and II (PHY 101, 102)] or the calculus­-based physics course [General Physics I and II (PHY 111, 112)]. 那些 students planning a major in Physics or in Chemistry with ACS­ certification need to take the calculus-­based physics sequence (PHY 111, 112), as PHY 101/102 will not 满足专业要求.

数学要求可能因课程而异. 统计学(MAT 109)是强有力的 推荐. 因为许多医学院要求或推荐微分学 (MAT 111) and the course is required for the major in 生物学, Chemistry, and Physics, 学生通常应该计划参加MAT 111. 微积分系列的下一节课, 积分学(MAT 112),一些专业(如.g.物理和化学) 但不是大多数卫生专业学校的入学要求. 学生选择 to take the calculus-based General Physics course (PHY 111, 112) should note that MAT 111 is a corequisite for PHY 111 and MAT 112 is a corequisite for PHY 112. 请注意 that, based on placement test scores, some students may need to take the two-semester 拉伸微分学而不是微分学.

In addition to fulfilling prerequisites for admission, the content of many of the above courses is included on the 测试 required for admission [Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), the Dental Admission Test (DAT), and the Optometry Admission Test (OAT)]. The MCAT 测试 critical analysis and reasoning skills as well as knowledge of general biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, statistics, 心理学和社会学. 因此,计划进入课程的学生需要 the MCAT (allopathic medicine, osteopathic medicine, many podiatric medicine programs) should consider fulfilling the social science distribution requirements with General 心理学(PSY 111, 112)和社会学导论(SOC 101). 统计学知识 for the MCAT can also be gained from Statistics and Research Design I and II with 实验室(PSY 209, PSY 309). 专业学校可能在心理方面有所不同 统计学课程算作数学必修课程.

请注意 that many programs require or recommend additional biology courses beyond General 生物学. These biology classes are also important for students who ultimately opt for programs in related health fields such as Physician Assistant programs instead of medical school, as those programs require certain upper level biology courses.

Students who do not major in one of the sciences are strongly encouraged to take more 比最低要求的科学课还要多.

更多的细节可以在学院找到 目录, you will need to scroll to the portion of the 目录 called "医学预科的 Program." Do 不要忘记检查 样品时间表.
To participate in the 医学预科的委员会 Process and be eligible for a Committee Letter, students must have a cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0 or 所有必修课程成绩均达到C或以上.