Animal Subjects Research

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The Washington College Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) 确保所有涉及动物实验的研究都由九州娱乐官网进行 雇员或学生遵守联邦法律、法规和政策. The IACUC protects 通过确保我们在研究中是合规和人道的方式来保护研究者和WC protocols. IACUC还保护研究中的动物,保护它们的健康 welfare according to regulatory laws and guidelines. Essentially, it is our responsibility 照顾动物,确保它们不会经历不必要的痛苦或痛苦. 动物不能为自己说话,也不能提供知情同意,所以责任 for their welfare falls on us as responsible scientists.

IACUC审查每一项涉及动物实验的方案,以确保程序符合规定 的监管指引,并尽一切努力遵守的3rs animal research: Reduce 将动物的使用减少到项目科学目标所必需的最低限度, Refine 提高研究质量和动物福利实践的程序 Replace 在任何可能的情况下,用非动物替代品进行动物研究.

在获得或使用动物用于任何研究目的之前,IACUC的批准是强制性的 at Washington College. The IACUC welcomes investigator questions, provides guidance 根据需要进行人性化的实践,并在我们的校园设施中提供出色的护理.

Submission and Review Guidelines

All protocols are subject to full committee review, although some 当委员会认为合适时,是否有资格接受指定的审查. Please allow at least two to four weeks for protocol review by the committee. You will receive an action letter from the Chair of the IACUC when the review is complete. The most recent revision of the official Protocal Submission FORM,必须用于提交新提案或已批准议定书的增编. 填妥的表格及任何附录的数码/电子副本(MSWord或PDF格式) should be submitted via e-mail to the Chair of the IACUC ([email protected])

首席调查员(PI)将收到一封详细说明结果的行动信 of protocol review and the IACUC's decision. In some cases the IACUC may determine 一个提案需要更广泛的讨论,PI必须提供 关于他们的提案或提案必须修改的附加信息 and resubmitted for review.

学生研究项目必须列出一名教师主管作为项目的PI. Students and all 该项目的其他人员应列为共同调查员. 鼓励学生与他们的教师导师和/或IACUC主席一起工作 while developing their project idea and proposal. Projects conducted during periods when classes are not normally ins ession (i.e.(在暑假或寒假期间)可能需要额外的时间 for review.


在开始使用实验动物之前,请填写 Laboratory Animal Allergy Initial Questionnaire form and return to the Director of Health Serivces ([email protected]). All investigators are required to complete appropriate CITI ethics course(s), including Working With the IACUC and any species-specific modules relevant to submitted protocols. CITI course certificates should be submitted along with the Protocol Submission Form. CITI completion 证书的有效期为三年,从完成时间算起.


IACUC的一项重要职责是保存所有活跃研究方案的记录. 因此,必须重新提交以前已获得非公联会批准的项目 续期时,研究项目的重复或每三年,其中一个 comes first. 研究者应使用最近的版本重新提交提案 revision of the official “Protocol Submission FORM,并附上一封求职信或电子邮件,注明已批准的原始协议编号和 复制或继续项目的简要理由.

通常情况下,主席将决定是否有必要作出实质性改变 a review by the full membership of the committee. Protocols that have expired after three years must be reviewed by the committee. Otherwise, the Chair is authorized to renew a previously approved proposal. The Chair will notify the full membership of the IACUC whenever a renewal is authorized in this manner.

Animal Welfare Concerns

Whistleblower Policies and Contacts: 九州娱乐官网重视动物在研究、教学和试验中的使用 成为卫生、科学和教育持续进步的组成部分. 学院期望所有的动物设施和项目保持最高水平 动物护理和使用标准,并按照适用的标准进行操作 联邦、州和地方的法律、法规、政策和指导方针. Concerns regarding 违反这些法律、法规和准则的行为应向联络人报告 listed in the document below.

填妥的电子表格及附件应以电邮方式送交: [email protected]

On an annual basis, use the following forms:

In the event of an injury, please use the following forms:

如果协议发生更改或出现意外结果,请使用以下命令 forms:

Laboratory Animal Welfare Exchange


American Association for Laboratory Animal Science


Science Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW)

Foundation for Biomedical Research

Lab Animal

Institute for Laboratory Animal Research


The Guide for Care and Use of laboratory Animals

实验动物疼痛和窘迫的定义和报告要求: Proceedings of the Workshop Held June 22, 2000 (2000)



Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare


USDA - Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service - Animal Care

US department of Veterans Affairs - Use of Animals in Research

On-Line IACUC Training; Facilities Inspection